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Divinely Soulful Spiritual Treatments and Offerings
Divinely Soulful Rose Offering

I believe that we all contain a divine spark, a divine essence of the Universe that connects us all and to all that is. Another name for this would be the soul. However, over time, due to various reasons, many of us have become disconnected and forgotten this divinity, as well as our true home (as part of the Universe). This could stem from ancestral conditioning, modern day expectations, or any kind of trauma as we grow up. When we are separated from our divinity, we can feel lost, alone, lack purpose, and a sense of belonging. In turn, such feelings may manifest as anxiety, low self-worth, burn out, or even physical dis-ease. I know this, because this is also my story. After battling with years of crippling anxiety, stress, and Endometriosis, many synchronicities in life led me back to my spiritual roots, and eventually to rediscover my own divinity. In reconnecting with my divinity and that around me, only then could I properly heal, fall in love with myself and my body, and find meaning, joy, and a place in the world. This brought me inner and outer Sacred Union, which is essentially wholeness within and oneness with Spirit/the Universe. Ultimately it is the remembering that we are both an Earthly body and a starry soul, intrinsically woven and one with all of creation.

We can connect to our divinity through gateways in the body, and the heart and womb are two of the most powerful. In opening and accessing the wisdom of our heart and that of Unconditional Love, we tap into the infinite pool of love and oneness provided by the Universe – in which our soul is a part. For womb bearers (even if you no longer have a physical womb or bleed), when we awaken and follow the guidance of our womb spaces, we step into our power as conduits for both the Earth and stars. The womb itself is a portal between the above and below, it is where spirit becomes matter and has the capacity to birth new souls into the world, it is also our own personal cauldron of creativity and soul expression.

Over time I have explored various ways to unlock these gateways within, and three of my favourites are energy work (I specialise in Seichim and Angelic Reiki), ceremony, and community. Energy healing allows us to clear and unblock anything that maybe preventing us from moving forward, in ceremony we can take a pause to mark or celebrate important rites of passage on our journey, and community deepens our connection to our soul self and the life force around us. I also always try to weave in some Rose medicine into all of my healings and spaces. This not only ties in with my initiations and teachings from the Magdalene Rose and Divine Feminine Mysteries, but the Rose is also an anchor point for the energy of Divine Unconditional Love, and so this adds another layer to unlocking our divinity.


I like to call these the Devotional Arts, and together, they open us up to the sacred in all things and allow us to walk a path of Love, which is often a missing piece of the puzzle on a healing journey. Our divinity is Love, and Spirit/the Universe is Love, we are all connected, one and the same. It is from this place that my offerings are crafted, combining my personal experience with everything I have learnt, in order to hold supportive and nurturing spaces for others to heal, grow, and step into alignment.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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